Sweet Suprirse
Sweet Surprise
Flora Buchanan doesn’t think a relationship is an option. A variety of mental health issues—anxiety, OCD, and PTSD—make it seem impossible to find love. Instead, she seeks joy in the one thing that is safe and ordered: her sweetshop in Glasgow.
Mack Sharkey is ready to start a new life after being released from jail. As part of the infamous Sharkey family, she took care of business on the edge of the law for the once criminal, and now legitimate, empire. After being sentenced to jail time her cousin should have shared, she’s promised a quiet life running her dream barbershop.
Flora and Mack are bound together by a night that changed their lives two years before and never thought they’d ever see each other again. But when Mack opens up her barbershop right next to Flora’s sweetshop, their connection comes roaring back.
Content advisory: This book contains instances of violence against women.
Praise for Jenny Frame
The Duchess and the Dreamer
“We thoroughly enjoyed the whole romance-the-disbelieving-duchess with gallantry, unwavering care, and grand gestures. Since this is very firmly in the butch-femme zone, it appealed to that part of our traditionally-conditioned-typecasting mindset that all the wooing and work is done by Evan without throwing even a small fit at any point. We liked the fact that Clementine has layers and depth. She has her own personal and personality hurdles that make her behaviour understandable and create the right opportunities for Evan to play the romantic knight convincingly…We definitely recommend this one to anyone looking for a feel-good mushy romance.”—Best Lesfic Reviews
“There are a whole range of things I like about Jenny Frame’s aristocratic heroines: they have plausible histories to account for them holding titles in their own right; they’re in touch with reality and not necessarily super-rich, certainly not through inheritance; and they find themselves paired with perfectly contrasting co-heroines…Clementine and Evan are excellently depicted, and I love the butch:femme dynamic they have going on, as well as their individual abilities to stick to their principles but also to compromise with each other when necessary.”—The Good, The Bad and The Unread
Still Not Over You
“Still Not Over You is a wonderful second-chance romance anthology that makes you believe in love again. And you would certainly be missing out if you have not read My Forever Girl, because it truly is everything.”—SymRoute
Someone to Love
“One of the author’s best works to date—both Trent and Wendy were so well developed they came alive. I could really picture them and they jumped off the pages. They had fantastic chemistry, and their sexual dynamic was deliciously well written. The supporting characters and the storyline about Alice’s trauma was also sensitively written and well handled.”—Melina Bickard, Librarian, Waterloo Library (UK)
Wooing the Farmer
“This book, like all of Jenny Frame’s, is just one major swoon.”—Les Rêveur
“The chemistry between the two MCs had us hooked right away. We also absolutely loved the seemingly ditzy femme with an ambition of steel but really a vulnerable girl. The sex scenes are great. Definitely recommended.”—Reviewer@large
“This is the book we Axedale fanatics have been waiting for…Jenny Frame writes the most amazing characters and this whole series is a masterpiece. But where she excels is in writing butch lesbians. Every time I read a Jenny Frame book I think it’s the best ever, but time and again she surprises me. She has surpassed herself with Wooing the Farmer.”—Kitty Kat’s Book Review Blog
Royal Court
“The author creates two very relatable characters…Quincy’s quietude and mental torture are offset by Holly’s openness and lust for life. Holly’s determination and tenacity in trying to reach Quincy are total wish-fulfilment of a person like that. The chemistry and attraction is excellently built.”—Best Lesbian Erotica
“[A] butch/femme romance that packs a punch.”—Les Rêveur
Royal Court “was a fun, light-hearted book with a very endearing romance.”—Leanne Chew, Librarian, Parnell Library (Auckland, NZ)
“There were unbelievably hot sex scenes as I have come to expect and look forward to in Jenny Frame’s books. Passions slowly rise until you feel the characters may burst!…Royal Court is wonderful and I highly recommend it.”—Kitty Kat’s Book Review Blog
Charming the Vicar
“Chances are, you’ve never read or become captivated by a romance like Charming the Vicar. While books featuring people of the cloth aren’t unusual, Bridget is no ordinary vicar—a lesbian with a history of kink…Surrounded by mostly supportive villagers, Bridget and Finn balance love and faith in a story that affirms both can exist for anyone, regardless of sexual identity.”—RT Book Reviews
“The sex scenes were some of the sexiest, most intimate and quite frankly, sensual I have read in a while. Jenny Frame had me hooked and I reread a few scenes because I felt like I needed to experience the intense intimacy between Finn and Bridget again. The devotion they showed to one another during these sex scenes but also in the intimate moments was gripping and for lack of a better word, carnal.”—Les Rêveur
“The sexual chemistry between [Finn and Bridge] is unbelievably hot. It is sexy, lustful and with more than a hint of kink. The scenes between them are highly erotic—and not just the sex scenes. The tension is ramped up so well that I felt the characters would explode if they did not get relief!…An excellent book set in the most wonderful village—a place I hope to return to very soon!”—Kitty Kat’s Book Reviews
“This is Frame’s best character work to date. They are layered and flawed and yet relatable…Frame really pushed herself with Charming the Vicar and it totally paid off…I also appreciate that even though she regularly writes butch/femme characters, no two pairings are the same.”—The Lesbian Review
Jenny Frame “has this beautiful way of writing a phenomenally hot scene while incorporating the love and tenderness between the couple.”—Les Rêveur
“If you enjoy contemporary romances, Unexpected is a great choice. The character work is excellent, the plotting and pacing are well done, and it’s just a sweet, warm read…Definitely pick this book up when you’re looking for your next comfort read, because it’s sure to put a smile on your face by the time you get to that happy ending.”—Curve
“Unexpected by Jenny Frame is a charming butch/femme romance that is perfect for anyone who wants to feel the magic of overcoming adversity and finding true love. I love the way Jenny Frame writes. I have yet to discover an author who writes like her. Her voice is strong and unique and gives a freshness to the lesbian fiction sector.”—The Lesbian Review
Royal Rebel
“Frame’s stories are easy to follow and really engaging. She stands head and shoulders above a number of the romance authors and it’s easy to see why she is quickly making a name for herself in lesfic romance.”—The Lesbian Review
Courting the Countess
“I love Frame’s romances. They are well paced, filled with beautiful character moments and a wonderful set of side characters who ultimately end up winning your heart…I love Jenny Frame’s butch/femme dynamic; she gets it so right for a romance.”—The Lesbian Review
“I loved, loved, loved this book. I didn’t expect to get so involved in the story but I couldn’t help but fall in love with Annie and Harry…The love scenes were beautifully written and very sexy. I found the whole book romantic and ultimately joyful and I had a lump in my throat on more than one occasion. A wonderful book that certainly stirred my emotions.”—Kitty Kat’s Book Reviews
“Courting The Countess has an historical feel in a present day world, a thought provoking tale filled with raw emotions throughout. [Frame] has a magical way of pulling you in, making you feel every emotion her characters experience.”—Lunar Rainbow Reviewz
“I didn’t want to put the book down and I didn’t. Harry and Annie are two amazingly written characters that bring life to the pages as they find love and adventures in Harry’s home. This is a great read, and you will enjoy it immensely if you give it a try!”—Fantastic Book Reviews
A Royal Romance
“A Royal Romance was a guilty pleasure read for me. It was just fun to see the relationship develop between George and Bea, to see George’s life as queen and Bea’s as a commoner. It was also refreshing to see that both of their families were encouraging, even when Bea doubted that things could work between them because of their class differences…A Royal Romance left me wanting a sequel, and romances don’t usually do that to me.”—Leeanna.ME Mostly a Book Blog
Sweet Surprise
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By the Author
A Royal Romance
Courting the Countess
Royal Rebel
Charming the Vicar
Royal Court
Wooing the Farmer
Someone to Love
The Duchess and the Dreamer
Royal Family
Home Is Where the Heart Is
Sweet Surprise
Wild for You
Hunger for You
Longing for You
Wolfgang County Series
Heart of the Pack
Soul of the Pack
Blood of the Pack
Sweet Surprise
© 2021 By Jenny Frame. All Rights Reserved.
ISBN 13: 978-1-63679-002-2
This Electronic Original Is Published By
Bold Strokes Books, Inc.
P.O. Box 249
Valley Falls, NY 12185
First Edition: November 2021
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission.
Editor: Ruth Sternglantz
Production Design: Stacia Seaman
Cover Design by Jeanine Henning
eBook Design by Toni Whitaker
Thank you to all the BSB staff for their tireless hard work.
Thank you to Ruth for always helping my books be the best they can be, and thanks to my family for their support and encouragement.
Lou and Barney, thank you for always accepting me and my weirdness, and reminding me we are all a little weird.
To my darlin’ Lou,
I love being weird with you!
I knew I shouldn’t have done this,” Flora Buchanan repeated over and over as she escaped from the suffocation of the large sandstone building in the Glasgow city centre. Panic propelled her faster and faster as she tried to get to the safety of her car. The car was parked across the street next to the casino. At half past nine at night, the city was dark and foreboding.
The town was full of noise, laughter, and merriment that winter evening. Most people would be enjoying the cosmopolitan atmosphere of modern Glasgow, but to Flora, every noise jarred her inside, and every laugh made her heart pound with fear.
Living with OCD and social anxiety was hard enough during the day, but at night it was ten times worse, the noise and the visual stimulation sending Flora into panic mode. It shouldn’t have come to this. Flora had one rule that she stuck by—never go out at night. The people, the lights, sights, and sounds were too much for her.
That rule had always kept her safe and secure, but as her OCD was getting progressively worse, a friend had persuaded her to go along to a support group, which of course only met at night.
The tension, the pressure, the pain of having to go through this was defeating the purpose of being at a support group. As soon as it came to an end, Flora bolted from the building, while the others stayed behind for a coffee and a chat.
The thought of coffee and a chat sent fear racing through Flora, so she was happy to get out of there. She arrived at her car and started to rummage through her handbag. It was always the same. She never seemed to be able to fish out her keys quickly.
Every time Flora thought she was close to the fob, she was disappointed. Finally, her fingers touched the cold metal of keys, and she tried to get them out. Worryingly she started to hear men’s voices coming towards her. Flora looked up and saw a large group of drunk men getting ever closer.
This was one of her worst nightmares: night-time, a group of men where drink had been consumed, and she was about to be in the middle of them. She got her keys and was just about to press the button to open the car when she dropped them, and the loud group of men were upon her.
“Awrite, darlin’,” one of the men said, “where you rushing off to?”
* * *
“This has got to be answered.”
Laura Sharkey—Mack—sat on the corner of her cousin Nikki’s desk at the casino while Nikki briefed her people. Mack was wearing jeans and a short sleeved shirt.
Mack was not formal, not that she needed to be, while her cousin Nikki, the head of the Sharkey clan and business empire, was beautiful in her feminine designer power suits. Mack had no need to fit in with that corporate world. The streets were her playground.
Nikki continued, “No one sells drugs in a Sharkey territory, but to sell them outside my child’s secondary school, when he was warned time and again for his actions? Mack and I will go ourselves.”
“Are you sure, Nikki? You don’t need to get your hands dirty,” Eddie, one of her guards, said.
“It’s beyond that now. My little girl is at home crying her heart out because her best friend Charlotte is dead, and now he is going to wish he was dead.”
“I don’t understand how he got Charlotte to try drugs,” Mack said.
“We’ll find out.”
Most people underestimated Nikki Sharkey, mostly because of her feminine appearance, but while you were assuming she was no threat, Nicki would have a gun against your head, or despatch a punch across your face. She was an alpha personality from the tips of her high-heeled shoes to the ends of her beautifully styled hair.
Mack, on the other hand, was a butch whose idea of hell was wearing a suit, but they complemented each other, in every way. It’s what made them the perfect team.
Plus Nikki trusted Mack implicitly, which was essential when you ran a business empire that sometimes operated on the fringes of the law.
“Don’t worry, Murdo,” Mack told one of Nikki’s closest lieutenants. “I’ll make sure she’s safe.”
“You don’t have to worry about me. Is he waiting for us where I asked?”
“Yes, we picked him up a few hours ago,” Murdo said.
Mack turned her head around to look at the banks of TV monitors that surveyed the blackjack tables, the poker tables, and the slot machines. Mack liked when they met at the casino—it was full of life and sounds, laughter, and sometimes tears, as the full gamut of human emotions were played out down on the casino floor. Then one of the outdoor cameras ca
ught her eye. It surveyed the area around the corner from the casino’s front door.
Mack watched a rowdy group of men surrounding a woman who had her hands over her ears. They were pawing at her, and then they started to pull her away from the car into the dark. Mack was on her way in moments. She pointed at two of her burly workmates and said, “You two, with me.”
They made their way downstairs as quickly as they could. The two bouncers at the door to the casino joined them, and they hurried around the building, then heard muffled screams from the alley behind the casino.
Anger and rage filled her chest when she saw the defenceless woman up against the wall, one of the men’s hands across her mouth. Some of the men ran when they saw the big men Mack had brought, which left three who hadn’t seen them approach.
Mack grabbed the ringleader and shouted, “Get your hands off her.” The bouncers and her other guards got hold of the men. “Deal with them,” Mack instructed, while she pulled the trembling, shaking woman into her arms.
Mack walked back around the corner with the woman and guided her to the side of the car. “It’s okay. You’re safe now—you’re safe with me.”
The woman clung to her like she was clinging to a rock in a storm. The woman flinched as they heard the men shout out after some punches and kicks were no doubt meted out.
“I promise you’ll be safe. We’ll call the police and report these men. They won’t bother you again.”
One of the bouncers came around the corner and said, “What do you want us to do with this scum?”
“Hang on.” Mack relaxed her grip on the trembling woman. It was only when she did that, that she realized how much she liked the feeling of the woman in her arms. “I’m just going to talk to my man over here, but I’ll be right back. I’ll take care of you.”