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Longing for You Page 22

  “Everything’s changing,” Amelia said.

  Byron covered her hand with hers. “I know it’s not ideal, but at least Katie is still with us. We could have been mourning Katie’s death tonight, and I would never have forgiven myself.”

  Amelia had come to see that Byron saw herself as a big sister figure to Katie and understood how hard it would be to lose her.

  “I know, and I’m thankful she’s okay, but it’s not just that. My parents are gone, I’m learning to control a power that I never knew I had, and…”

  “And what?” Byron asked.

  How could Amelia say this when she couldn’t even process it herself?

  “I…” Amelia hesitated. “I found out something today. Something that’s going to change things.”

  Byron frowned. “You’re starting to worry me now.”

  “I suppose there’s no other way than to just come out with it. I’m pregnant,” Amelia said in a low voice.

  She had never seen Byron look so shocked in her life. “What?”

  “Magda told me she could sense it, so then I stopped by Dr. McKenzie’s office on the way home, and she confirmed it,” Amelia said.

  “But…but we hadn’t even discussed having children yet. My mother said that, as a vampire and you a witch, we both had to make a conscious decision to have a baby.”

  “Magda said it was probably that night we spent in the New Forest, when I opened myself up to the other side. It must have been an unconscious need or desire,” Amelia said.

  Byron stood silently. Amelia had no idea what her reaction was going to be, but she soon found out. Byron fell to her knees in front of Amelia, and she saw something she hadn’t seen before—tears running down Byron’s face.

  “My God, I can’t believe it. A baby for us?” Byron asked.

  The joy Amelia felt under the surface came out. “Yes, a little baby.” She took Byron’s hand and placed it on her stomach. Byron touched her stomach with reverence, almost like she thought she could hurt it.

  Byron was overwhelmed with emotion. “This is the most joyful moment of my life, mia cara. Thank you, thank you.”

  She put her head on Amelia’s lap and Amelia stroked her hair.

  “I couldn’t believe it myself, but Dr. McKenzie thinks the baby is making its presence known earlier than usual because it’s a born vampire.”

  Byron lifted her head and took her hand. “It’s our child. A part of us.”

  “I’m scared, Byron,” Amelia said.

  “What could you be scared of?”

  “I’m supposed to be learning about my magical powers, in order to defeat evil. How can I do that pregnant?” Amelia said with panic in her voice.

  “You listen to me. I won’t let anyone or anything near you. Saving the world will have to come another day, or I’ll defeat this Madam Anka. You and our baby’s safety are more important than anything. Whatever lies ahead, we’ll face it together.”

  Amelia had calmed and she smiled. “I did always want a baby one day. It’s just come sooner than expected.”

  “Quite right. Wait till Sera finds out she’s going to be an aunty.” Byron laughed. “That’ll make her feel older than she already is.”

  Amelia laughed. “Then there’s Uncle Jaunty and Uncle Simon.”

  “Uh-oh. Your Uncle Simon is going to be angry that I got you into trouble,” Byron joked.

  “Shut up.” Amelia laughed. “He secretly likes you.”

  Byron raised her eyebrows. “It must be very secretly then.”

  Amelia gave Byron a serious look again. “I hope Katie is all right.”

  “She will be. Alexis will take the best care of her,” Byron said.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Anka kneeled before an altar set deep in a dark cave system known only to her and her most trusted witches. As she whispered her prayers to the darkness she worshipped and drew her power from, you could hear the drip, drip of water falling from the rocks, and the smell of incense permeated the air.

  She heard footsteps approach behind her. “Asha? How can I help you?”

  “Forgive me disturbing your devotion, Madam, but we have found the location of the second descendent, but she is now guarded.”

  Anka bowed her head to the alter and stood. “The Debreks know Ms. MacDougall is bonded to Victorija then?”

  “Shall we send a team to bring her to feed Victorija?” Asha asked.

  Anka held up her hand. “Slow down, Asha. We take this slowly. I have been building my power and my resources for a very long time, and I will take my time on the next phase of my plans.”

  “I’ll keep someone watching her then.”

  “Yes. When the time comes to bring her here, it won’t be easy. Daisy MacDougall comes from a long line of agitators and general pains in the neck—trust me, I’ve met a few. I need to seal my position with the Dred clan, and then we will hand her over to Victorija. Only then can I absorb her power.”

  “And then what?” Asha asked.

  Anka laughed and started to walk through the cave, Asha by her side. “Then we will put our puppet Principe in charge of the Dreds, and Drasas would make a lovely puppet, don’t you agree?”

  She laughed again and the echo reverberated through the cave system.

  * * *

  Alexis couldn’t believe she was standing here, under a floral archway in the Debrek mansion gardens, pledging her immortal life to someone. Not just someone, but Katie. Beautiful Katie who had started to mend her broken heart, fiery Katie whom she had squabbled with incessantly, sweet Katie with whom she woke each morning to a loving smile that brightened her day.

  They stood under the archway, each with a cut on her palm, and clasping each other’s hand for the bonding ceremony.

  Katie hadn’t wanted a big bonding ceremony, so she, her mum, Amelia, Sera, and Daisy planned this smaller—but still special—ceremony in the garden. The guests were seated in rows behind the happy couple, and luckily it was a warm, dry day.

  Katie looked beautiful in the white dress that Amelia and Daisy designed for her, and she held a deep blood-red bouquet of roses. After swearing she’d never fall in love again, here Alexis was getting married in her dress uniform.

  Byron’s father Michel, the Grand Principe, was conducting the ceremony as the elder statesmen of the clan. Byron was standing beside Alexis as her best friend, with Daisy as Katie’s bridesmaid.

  “Alexis, do you consent to pledge your life and your blood to Katie Brekman?” Michel asked.

  She smiled at Katie and said, “I consent to pledge my life and my blood to Katie Brekman.”

  “And Katie, do you consent to pledge your life and your blood to Alexis Villiers?”

  Katie winked at Alexis. “I consent to pledge my life and my blood to Alexis Villiers.”

  They then exchanged matching gold rings set with blood-red rubies.

  Michel smiled and said, “That only leaves me one thing to say. Alexis, if you don’t look after young Katie, we will have your head.”

  The congregation chuckled, and Michel held up his hands, “No, seriously. I now give you Alexis and Katie, blood bonds for eternity.”

  Everyone clapped, and Alexis finally got to kiss her bride. “I love you.”

  “I love you.”

  It was a perfect day, and all their friends would be joining them for a party later at The Sanctuary. Slaine had promised them a special night, and as much as Alexis was looking forward to it, she was more looking forward to getting Katie alone later. Now that Katie was a vampire, she had so much energy, and she was so enjoying it.

  They walked into the crowd and hugged and kissed their guests.

  * * *

  Victorija was consumed with maddening hunger. It was getting overwhelming. She gasped and braced herself against the desk. Her hands shook, and the pain in her stomach was making her double over in pain. She reached for a small drawer on the desk and took out a picture of a young woman. She tried to steady her shaking hands so she co
uld gaze properly at the picture.

  “Angel, I can’t do this.”

  Victorija closed her eyes and heard Angele’s voice in her head. Promise me, you will never hurt or drink the blood of my descendants without consent.

  She remembered the words she said in return. I swear on my life. It’ll be the only vow I ever keep. I swear, Angel.

  Victorija felt the stabbing pain in her stomach and neck flare up, and her knees buckled beneath her. She collapsed to the stone floor and shouted, “Daisy!”

  * * *

  The happy couple finally made it to The Sanctuary. Katie was dancing with Alexis on the dance floor, the music was pumping, and the open bar that Byron was paying for was making the guests—and Slaine—very happy.

  Sera and Daisy were up dancing with a couple of vampires, and Katie had never been happier, nor felt so incredible. Alexis had told her that being a vampire felt like your best day as a human, only a million times better, and she was right.

  It was strange getting used to not having aches and pains or injuring herself. Sometimes she did think about living the long stretch of immortality in front of her and felt overwhelmed, but she just tried to concentrate on her love, Alexis.

  “I knew you could do it,” Katie said.

  “Do what?” Alexis asked.

  She moved her arms around Alexis’s neck. “Smile, Duca.”

  “You’re the only one who can make me,” Alexis said.

  Katie sighed in contentment. “I remember the last time we were all here, and I was dancing with someone else wishing they were you.”

  Alexis pulled her in tighter. “And I was watching you, wanting to kill your dance partner.”

  Katie pecked her on the lips. “You’ll always be my dance partner now.”

  The music faded out, and servers walked around with glasses of champagne. Katie looked over to Daisy and saw her sway a little. She made eye contact with her and mouthed, “Are you all right?”

  Daisy smiled and nodded. She had been dealing with difficult side effects from Victorija’s blood bond, Katie knew, and Byron was doing everything she could to support her and protect her.

  Slaine stood on the small stage with the microphone and said, “Let’s have quiet for Principe Debrek, everyone.”

  Bhal stood at one side of the stage and Wilder at the other beside Amelia. A hush came over the crowd when Byron took the microphone and said, “I just wanted to say a few words. I’ve known Alex for a long, long time, and she has been the most dedicated Duca anyone could hope to have, but I’m so happy that love is taking some of her attention away from her job. You deserve it, Alexis.”

  Alexis moved behind Katie and put her arms around her waist.

  Byron continued, “Katie, you know what I think of you. I’ve watched you grow up from a little girl to a beautiful young woman. You’ve always been like a little sister to me, so if Alexis does anything you don’t like, send her to me.”

  “As if I’d dare,” Alexis whispered in Katie’s ear. “You’d kill me.”

  Katie chuckled.

  Byron put her arm around Amelia’s waist. “There’s another reason for celebration today. Only our closest friends and family know about this, but we thought it about time we shared it with the world.”

  Amelia’s uncles looked on proudly from below the stage.

  Byron leaned into Amelia and gave her a kiss. “The Principessa and I are going to have a baby.”

  Katie whooped and clapped along with the crowd. She shouted over the noise to Alexis, “About time they told everyone. It’s the best news ever.”

  “It was a shock to them both. I think they just needed time to get used to the idea. I’ve never seen Byron so nervous,” Alexis said.

  “A little baby for you to protect.”

  Alexis squeezed Katie. “I have a lot to protect, and I will, I promise you.”

  Katie grasped Alexis’s hair lightly to pull her in for a kiss. “I know you will. You are the Debrek Duca and the woman I love and trust with all my heart.”

  Byron’s voice took on a more serious tone when she said, “This may be the last time we are able to celebrate like this together for a while. As you know, our world is in flux, and there are dangers to us growing in number, so let us enjoy this happy time while we have it. A toast to Alexis and Katie, our new baby, and the clan we are a part of. Et sanguinem familiae—blood and family.”

  Those in the Debrek clan repeated her words. Then a cry of pain interrupted them. Katie turned quickly and saw Daisy grasping her neck and doubling over in pain. She rushed over to her and was met by Amelia.

  “What’s wrong, Daisy?” Katie asked.

  “I’m dizzy, it hurts. It hurts!”

  Alexis shouted, “Get back, give her room to breathe.”

  In an instant Byron, Amelia, and Sera were around Daisy.

  “Is she all right?” Amelia kneeled down and took Daisy’s hand.

  Byron shouted, “Where is Dr. McKenzie?”

  Dr. Tyler McKenzie came pushing through the crowd. “I’m here. Let me take a look.” Tyler took Daisy’s wrist in her hand. “Her pulse is too fast.”

  Then Daisy grasped her neck and said in a pleading voice, “Victorija.”

  About the Author

  Jenny Frame is from the small town of Motherwell in Scotland, where she lives with her partner, Lou, and their well-loved and very spoiled dog.

  She has a diverse range of qualifications, including a BA in public management and a diploma in acting and performance. Nowadays, she likes to put her creative energies into writing rather than treading the boards.

  When not writing or reading, Jenny loves cheering on her local football team, cooking, and spending time with her family.

  Jenny can be contacted at

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