Unexpected Read online

Page 18

As Becca watch Dale come so freely and passionately, Becca knew that she was losing her heart to Dale, and nothing would ever feel as right as this.

  * * *

  Dale woke from her sleep and found that she was wrapped around Becca, her hand lying protectively on her baby bump. She couldn’t help the grin than erupted on her face. Last night had been magical, different and perfect. Making love and giving everything you had to the other whole person, and showing them how much you cared, was so different from the sex she’d had over the years.

  She leaned on her elbow and gazed down at Becca, who was sleeping with a look of utter contentment on her face. The thought hit Dale, She’s the mother of my baby. Dale trailed the tips of her fingers along Becca’s cheek and jaw, and Becca’s eyes fluttered awake.

  “Morning, babe. How are you feeling?”

  “Relaxed and happy in your arms. You make me feel safe.”

  “That’s all I ever want to do. From the first moment I saw you, all I wanted to do was take care of you.”

  “Me or the baby?” Becca asked.

  “Both. You know there’s something been drawing us together from the start. It’s like fate meant me to meet you.”

  Dale noticed Becca’s eyes glaze for a second and her mind drift.

  “What are you thinking?”

  “I’m just a little scared what we have growing between us is just…chemicals, a primal urge to be close to each other because of the baby.”

  Dale smiled. “You make me have lots of primal urges, and they aren’t going away. I’ve never wanted anyone like you.”

  Becca reached up and stroked her cheek. “I wish I had my camera. You look so happy, so content.”

  “I am, with you.”

  “I never thought I’d trust anyone ever again. I just didn’t think I had it in me any more. The last time I trusted someone and gave them my secrets, she destroyed me.”

  “The person who sold your story to the newspapers?”

  Becca nodded. “Ash. She was in her last year of journalism at the same university as me, and she came across me sitting on a bench outside, crying. She held me, looked after me, and made sure I was all right.”

  A tear escaped down Becca’s face, and Dale wiped it away with her thumb. “You don’t have to talk about this.”

  “I do. I need you to understand why I was so cold and guarded towards you, and what a big risk I’m taking now.”

  Dale nodded. “I understand.”

  “I thought she was my knight in shining armour. She protected me from the press who turned up at my university, and at my home. I was so grateful, and so naive. She wasn’t protecting me—she was protecting her interest in the story.”

  “What about Trent? Was she not around then? I’m sure she would have seen through her.”

  “Trent was just a friend then. She had just started working with her father at the law firm that represented my father. She did warn me to be careful, but I was desperately hanging on to someone who I thought would love and protect me. I told her everything. The parties, the money, the holidays, the Hardy brothers, I even took her home to help me with Mother. She saw everything. And one day I woke up and my story was all over the newspapers.”

  “Fucking bitch,” Dale said, then started to backtrack. “Sorry for the language.”

  “You’re right, she is.”

  Then the name finally dropped. “Wait, do you mean Ashley Duval? The over-opinionated woman who’s on TV sometimes, or making pronouncements on social media?”

  “That’s her. She made a fortune off my family’s misery and shame. She even wrote a book on us. That was the last straw for Mother. I found her dead after taking an overdose. Trent found me and picked up the pieces.”

  Becca started to cry and Dale pulled her into her arms, and kissed her hair. “Your debt is paid, and nobody knows where you are. You’re free now, and your past can’t hurt you any more. Whatever problems we have, I’ll fix them. I won’t let anything ruin what we have.”

  * * *

  Ash had waited with her photographer for hours in a car across the road from Dale McGuire’s, waiting for any sign of life. Dale and Victoria finally came out, and they appeared exceptionally close. Dale kissed Victoria tenderly before helping her into the car. Her photographer flashed off some shots of the kiss.

  “Well, well, well,” Ash said. “Looks like Vic’s succumbed to her weakness yet again. Some smooth talking and McGuire’s got her into bed.” You always were easy to manipulate, Vic.

  She turned to her photographer. “Tell me you got that kiss, Kev?”

  “Yeah, I go it. Good shots too.”

  “Fabulous. I know McGuire’s background now. I just wish I knew what her connection was to Vic and her kid.”

  Ash took out her phone and dialled Lisa’s number. “Hi, I want you to get down to Belles and try and find out what connects McGuire to this woman and her kids.”

  “We’ve already tried that, Ash. No one knows.”

  “Someone knows something, Lisa. The bar manager—Mac—I’m sure knows something. It’s the last piece in the puzzle. Do it for me, angel? Good girl.”

  She was going to find out, one way or another. You could never hide anything from me, Vic.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Dale whistled through her fingers to bring everyone to attention. “Okay, gather around, everyone. Val and Sammy are giving out fresh uniforms. We’re taking these pictures for the new website, and it’ll probably take a couple of hours, but I’m paying you and we’ll have some food delivered for you, so be on your best behaviour. The photographer is my really good friend, and she’ll be bringing her ten-year-old son. So nothing inappropriate, okay?”

  “No dirty jokes then?” one of the mechanics joked.

  “Not if you don’t want your balls booted, mate. These two people are everything to me, so best behaviour for everyone. Imagine the Queen is coming, okay?”

  Dale noticed Mike was away in a world of his own. “Hey, Mike? You got that.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Mike said nervously.

  Sammy then added, “Go and get ready, and come back ASAP.”

  Dale saw Becca’s car pull up in the car park. “Shit, they’re here.”

  Val rubbed her back. “I know you’re nervous, but try to stay calm. Everything will be fine.”

  “I don’t know why I’m so nervous. I just want to make a good impression.”

  “You’re in love, that’s why. Now go and get them. I can’t wait to meet Becca.”

  “Okay. I’ll just be a sec.”

  Dale ran over to the car just in time for Jake to get out and jump into her arms. “Hey, wee man. How was school?”

  “It was great. I scored a goal at football,” Jake said excitedly.

  “Yes!” Dale twirled him around. “Didn’t I tell you that you could do anything? You just need to practice.”

  Becca walked around to join them. “He’s been as high as a kite since I picked him up. Thank you for helping him.”

  “No problem.” Dale gave her a soft kiss on the cheek. They had both agreed not to show too much affection in front of Jake, until they worked out what their relationship really was. To be more precise, Dale had agreed, but she already knew that she wanted—Becca and a relationship. She was just giving Becca some time.

  “Why don’t I take you two in to meet Val and Sammy, and then I can get your cameras and things?”

  “Sounds good,” Becca said.

  Becca’s heart started to beat a little bit faster. She’d been nervous about meeting Sammy and Val. They were Dale’s only family, and she had no idea how they would react to her. It was Val who had recognized who Becca was, and so she knew the whole dreadful tabloid story. Who knew how they would judge her.

  Dale squeezed her hand and said, “Are you okay, hen?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. Just the little one doing backflips. Must be excited to see your business.”

  They walked through the large shutter doors into the big garage works
pace. Off to the left was a separate waiting room and reception area.

  “This is much bigger than the one I took the car to,” Becca said.

  “Aye, this is the biggest, and my first garage. I knocked down the original building and built this place when I could.”

  “It’s wonderful, Dale. You should be very proud.”

  “Thanks,” Dale said bashfully.

  She didn’t take praise very easily, one of the many traits Becca was beginning to adore about Dale. And she was beginning to adore Dale. A relationship and all its problems went against every rule Becca had, and everything about exploring these feelings with Dale was terrifying, yet she couldn’t help herself.

  Sammy and Val walked to meet them. “Sammy, Val, this is Becca, and you’ve met Jake.”

  Val took her in for a few seconds and then opened up her arms to Becca, with a big smile. “Becca, so nice to meet you at last.”

  Becca wasn’t used to such warmth and was surprised when both Val and Sammy hugged her.

  “It’s lovely to meet you both. I’ve heard so much about you,” Becca said.

  “Likewise,” Val said. “How are you feeling now? You have the beautiful glow of pregnancy from what I can see. Doesn’t she, Sam?”

  “Absolutely. You look beautiful, Becca.”

  The whole time Dale beamed with happiness beside her.

  They greeted Jake, and he said, “Is Mia here? Dale said she would like to play computer games with me.”

  Val stroked his head. “I’m sorry but she had football practice tonight. She plays for a local girls’ team, so her grandma took her to that.”

  “Oh,” Jake said dejectedly.

  Dale put an arm around him. “Don’t worry, wee man. We’ll all get together soon. In the meantime, you can check out my computers in the office. I’m sure you can do something to make them work faster.”

  “Yes, let’s go.” Jake pulled Dale by the arm, and she said to Becca, “I’ll just be a few minutes.”

  * * *

  Becca had her camera and equipment all set up and was taking the group photograph. She had already taken some action shots of the mechanics working on the cars, and equipment, and now it was just the team photo to do before Dale’s employees could leave, so they were quite restless. Jake had grabbed several slices of pizza and run off to mess around some more with Dale’s office computer.

  The staff were making an arch while Dale, Sammy, and Val stood in front.

  “Okay, everyone. Are we ready?” Becca said as loud as she could, but there was still murmuring and laughter going on.

  Before Becca had a chance to say anything more, Dale turned around and roared at the top of her voice. “Shut up!”

  Everyone went immediately silent and she turned back around and winked at Becca.

  Becca fluttered inside. Dale was gorgeous, and confidence and swagger were two big parts of that attractiveness. They hadn’t made love again since that day after the scan, but if Dale touched her, she didn’t think she could say no.

  She finished up the shots and the staff drifted home, leaving just Dale, Sammy, and Val.

  While Becca packed up her things, Val walked over to chat. “Hi, I wanted to have a quick chat with you without Sammy and Dale around. How are you feeling really? It must have been a huge shock to have Dale bounce into your lives.”

  Becca laughed at that description, because it was entirely accurate. “Yes she did bounce in, just like Tigger, but she’s been wonderful.” Becca hesitated. “Dale says you know a bit about my history.”

  “Only what I’ve read, but I’m sure that’s very far from the truth, and I know someone betrayed you.”

  Becca nodded. “The last woman I trusted betrayed me, so it was hard to trust again, but Dale was persistent.”

  “I can quite believe it.” Val touched her arm in a friendly gesture. “I’ve known Dale since she was seventeen, and she may look like your typical bad boy, but she has a heart of gold, and is so loyal to the ones she loves. If you let her in, she’ll never leave your side, but if you think a relationship is all too much for you, please tell her now, because it’ll break her heart.”

  Val was certainly like a mother to Dale, because that was a mother’s warning. “I don’t intend to hurt her. We just need some time to see if this can work, for both of us.”

  At that moment, Jake came running out of the office with a laptop under his arm. “Mummy, look what Dale says I can borrow.”

  Becca smiled and turned to Val. “One thing is for certain. I’ll never stop her seeing the children. She is going to be an important part of their lives.”

  * * *

  “This laptop is so fast, Mummy, my coding is going to be so much quicker,” Jake said, as he played around with the laptop at the dinner table.

  Dale nudged Jake and said, “Just don’t hack into NASA, wee man, or your mummy is going to boot”—Dale hesitated, remembering at the last second to change the phrase—“my backside.”

  “I won’t. Mummy’s already warned me. I can’t wait to show Mia my games on Saturday,” Jake said. “I hope she likes me.”

  Dale ruffled Jake’s hair. “She’s going to love you. I’ll bring over my Xbox for you both to play.”

  Becca brought over plates and started to dish out the food from the Chinese takeaway containers.

  “Are you sure this isn’t going to be too big a job for you and Sammy?” Becca said.

  Dale had looked at the kitchen units in the garage and bided her time before suggesting she and Sammy fit out the kitchen. Now that Becca had accepted her help, Dale wanted to get it done as soon as possible.

  “You don’t trust my handiwork? Is the roof still leaking?”

  “No. But it’s a big job for you both,” Becca said.

  Dale sat back in her chair, crossed her arms, and gave Becca a confident grin. “Listen, me and Sammy fitted her and Val’s bathroom and kitchen. We know what we’re doing.”

  Becca chuckled at Dale’s confidence. It was endearing and sexy in its way.

  She handed out the food containers, and said, “Enjoy this, Jake. It’s the last takeaway you’re going to have for a while. We’ve been eating too much junk since Dale came into our lives.”

  Dale smiled and winked at her. “Listen, hen. Any nutritionist will tell you that the Asian diet is much healthier than our own.”

  Becca looked at the side orders spread around Dale’s side of the table. “Yes, if you’re not having salt and chilli chips, prawn toast, barbecue spare ribs, prawn crackers, plus your main meal.”

  Dale followed Becca’s gaze around the food. “Hey, these are for sharing, not just for me. Anyway”—Dale gave Becca a smoky look—“I know what you would do for a taste of salt and chilli chips.”

  Becca took a quick breath, and their eyes were locked together. “Oh, you do?”

  She nodded and pulled one of the spicy chips from the bag. “I might even let you put some jalapeños on them.”

  “That would make me feel hot,” Becca said in a higher pitched voice than usual.

  They were not talking about food any more, and Dale knew she had her lover aching inside. “Is it good when you feel hot?”

  Becca nodded. “Can I have it?”

  Dale was just about to answer when Jake said, “Dale? Who is Britney Spears and why is she lying across a car.”

  Dale’s eyes went wide and she grabbed the laptop. “Shit.”

  Jake found her folder of Britney Spears wallpapers. Dale quickly deleted the folder but was afraid to look up at Becca.

  When she did, she found Becca barely restraining her laughter. “I think you and I need to have a talk about Britney Spears.”

  Dale let out a sigh of relief. “It’s okay, she’s deleted. No room for her on my desktop any more.”

  She was rewarded with a beautiful smile from Becca.

  I think I need to check through my files more carefully.

  * * *

  After dinner Becca took Dale up to the studio
to take her picture. It was the last close-up picture she needed for the website. Jake was happily playing in his room on the now Britney-free laptop.

  Becca looked through her viewfinder and saw mischief in Dale’s eyes. She pulled back, and warned her, “Hey, be serious now.”

  “I am. Serious is my middle name,” Dale said with a cheeky smile.

  “I’m sure.” Becca looked back through the viewfinder. The light was good, but something wasn’t quite right.

  She turned her attention Dale’s unruly, but sexy hair. “How do you manage to make your hair look like you’ve just come out of bed, and at the same time styled perfectly?”

  “Great skill and dedication.” Dale said.

  “What about the day you came to see me with your suit on? It was all brushed and sitting smartly.”

  “That’s when I was trying to show you I could be grown-up and respectable. If it doesn’t work for the picture, come here and fix it for me.” Dale looked at her like a wolf trying to entice its prey into its den. Becca felt hot and her skin ached to be touched, but she tried to shake the feeling away. She wanted to finish these pictures tonight and work on the prints tomorrow.

  Dale beckoned Becca over with a nod of her head, and Becca’s feet just followed directions. No wonder women fell at her feet.

  Becca stepped into her personal space and Dale locked her feet around the backs of Becca’s calves, and slipped her arms around her waist.

  “So, fix my hair, hen.”

  Becca laughed. “You know, I thought this might be a trap.”

  “No trap, I just wanted to touch you. I’ve wanted to touch you ever since you arrived at the garage.”

  Becca felt Dale grasp her buttocks and squeeze. She felt a heavy beat start inside, and her body ached for Dale.

  She grasped Dale’s hair and started to run her fingers through it. Dale brought her lips to Becca’s neck, and Becca felt her breath as she said, “You’re so sexy, babe.”

  Then she started to kiss Becca’s neck.

  “I don’t feel sexy. I wish I could be like the girls you normally attract…pert twenty-five-year-olds, with perfect breasts, no stretch marks, and no big stomach getting in the way.”