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Unexpected Page 19
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Page 19
“Have you even seen your breasts?” Dale said, in a way only she could. “I don’t want a girl, I want a woman. A woman who feels like you, smells like you, tastes like you, and a woman who is the mother of my children. Not to mention that when you touch me, you set me on fire, right here”—Dale took Becca’s hand and placed it on her heart—“and…here”—she placed Becca’s hand on her belt buckle. “That is why you are so perfect.”
Becca shivered and allowed Dale to pull her close and whisper in her ear, “Take the picture now. I want you to capture this moment, so when you look at the picture, you can see the want in my eyes and remember that this was because of you. Go.”
Becca was a little dazed. No one had ever made her feel this turned-on, this wanted before. Not Trent, and certainly not Ash.
“I don’t think I can,” Becca said.
“Take it now, babe.”
Becca took the picture and Dale immediately came over to her, and took Becca in her arms. “I want to make love to you. I want to make you moan and feel your nails scraping down my back.”
Becca felt like her body was completely on fire and only for Dale. It was scary to be so dependent on one person again. She was giving Dale her heart, her body, and her children, and in some small part of her soul, there was still a little bit of fear.
“Let’s go and put Jake to bed then.”
* * *
Dale couldn’t have been more content. She was lying in the dark, with Becca in her arms, after making love to her. The country sounds of animals outside the bedroom window were soothing, so different from the sounds of the city that she was used to. Dale played with Becca’s long strands of soft hair. It was pure bliss.
“It’s getting late,” Becca whispered.
Dale closed her eyes and her heart sank. She got up immediately and pulled on her boxers and jeans without saying anything, getting angrier by the second. Angry and hurt.
Becca leaned up against the headboard and pulled the covers up to her neck.
“I wish you didn’t have to go but—”
Dale grabbed her T-shirt and sports bra from the floor where she’d thrown them, and said as she put them on, “You still don’t trust me yet.”
“I just don’t want Jake to come through here in the morning and find you here. He’ll think that we’re all going to be a happy family straight away, and then be devastated if this doesn’t work out.”
“Don’t lie, it’s because you’re scared, not Jake. The only way it won’t work is if you don’t want it to. I know what I want, Becca,” Dale said with anger in her voice.
“How can you know? You’ve seen the good parts. Jake’s old enough to play with, he’s well behaved. You don’t know what it’s like to wake up with a baby three or four times a night. To be puked on and so tired that the thought of sex would make you feel ill. You might wake up and decide it’s time to leave.”
“If you’re trying to scare me away, it’s not working. I would take all of that and more if it meant having you and being part of this family.”
“Don’t raise your voice,” Becca warned. “Jake might hear you.”
Dale took a big breath and tried to calm her simmering anger. “I don’t mean to shout. It’s just frustrating. As much as you’ve opened up to me and let me in to be part of Jake’s and the wee yin’s life, there’s a part of you that doesn’t want to let me in. Can I tell you what’s worse than waking up three or four times a night for a baby? Having no one to wake up for, no one there when I go home. Why do you think I went out every weekend to listen to bad music and a bunch of giggling girls?”
Becca shook her head. “I don’t know, because that’s the kind of fun you want?”
“Because the weekend is a long time on your own. I love you, Becca, and I’m tired of not saying it. I love you. I never break my promises and I will never turn my back on you. But you’ve got to want me too.”
“I do trust you, Dale—”
Dale pulled on her boots, and remembered her jacket was downstairs.
“You don’t. If you did trust me, then you wouldn’t sleep with me and then tell me to go, like we’re doing something wrong, like we’re having a sordid affair. I’m going to feel used, but maybe I was right, maybe there is something unlovable about me.”
Dale walked out of the door hearing Becca shout after her, and it took everything she had not to turn around.
Chapter Seventeen
A few days later Becca was clearing up the kitchen after breakfast, when Sadie popped her head around the door.
“Knock, knock.”
“Hi, Sadie. Come in.”
“I brought the cake you wanted me to make for your guests coming tomorrow, and a box of eggs from my chickens.”
Becca gave Sadie a kiss on the cheek and took the items from here. “Thanks. Take a seat. Tea?”
Sadie pulled up a chair and said, “Oh, you know me. Never turn down a cuppa.”
As Becca prepared a pot of tea, Sadie asked, “How have you been feeling? I noticed you went out to a few jobs this week.”
“Yes, I did two this week, plus…” Becca closed her eyes for a second. “Plus Dale’s garage pictures.” Becca carried over the tea tray and set it on the table.
“I’ll pour, sweetheart,” Sadie said. “You sit back and take a breather. How have you been feeling? Is the doctor still pleased with you?”
Becca sighed. “Yes, my blood pressure is quite steady now. It’s been getting better ever since Dale came into our lives.”
Sadie must have detected her sad mood. She handed over a cup of tea to Becca. “Is there anything wrong?”
“We had a disagreement the other day, well a fight really.”
Sadie put two heaped spoonfuls of sugar in her tea, and stirred vigorously. “I thought something was wrong when I saw you go to your doctor’s appointment alone yesterday. She’s taken you the last few times and fussed around you like some daddy bear.”
Becca had to chuckle at that image. I miss you, Dale.
“She thinks I don’t trust her and use Jake as an excuse,” Becca said.
“In what way?”
Becca felt a little embarrassed talking about how the fight came about. “Well, sometimes Dale stays over, and…”
Sadie started to chuckle. “Just say it, sweetheart. Your generation didn’t invent sex, you know.”
Becca felt her cheeks heat up. She wasn’t used to talking about these kind of things. She’d never had close friends, since she was always looking over her shoulder.
Sadie continued, “I can see the way you are together—there’s a sparkling chemistry between you.”
There was such chemistry and attraction. Dale could turn her on just by looking at her, and when she put her hands on her, Becca melted.
Sex had always been good with Trent, but not this desperate, in a rip-each-other’s-clothes-off kind of way. Dale was the perfect package—she loved Becca and Jake exactly how Becca’d always dreamed a partner would, and she had a body that Becca adored. Dale knew she felt that way, and it had given her even more of a swagger than she’d had before. But that wasn’t a bad, arrogant thing—it just made the sexual tension between them, the magnetic pull towards each other, all the stronger.
“She’s stayed with me till late a few times, but I don’t let her stay over in case Jake sees her in my room and thinks we are this perfect, happy fairy-tale couple, and then it all goes wrong. The other night Dale got angry. She thinks I don’t trust her, and that Jake is an excuse. Then she said she loved me.”
“Oh, my, and what did you say to her?”
“Nothing, and I hurt her. We haven’t spoken since, although she texted to ask how my appointment with the doctor went.”
“That’s because she adores you, Becca. You can see it a mile off. She’s like a big puppy following you around, trying hard to get your attention, and feeding on the scraps you give her.”
Becca laughed cynically. “Sadie, Dale does not need to fight for the attentio
n of a large pregnant woman in her late thirties. She can have her pick, and has had.”
“Maybe in the past, but now, now she has a beautiful woman carrying her child, and a son she never knew about. Her life’s turned upside down, but even still, she’s run to you, not run away. You have to learn to trust her.”
Just then Becca’s phone beeped with a text. Do you still want me to bring over the shopping you wanted for tomorrow?
“It’s Dale. She was supposed to get some supplies for her friends coming tomorrow, and help cook. I wasn’t sure if they would still want to come.”
“Tell her yes, sweetheart. Don’t waste this chance for happiness. It may never come around again.”
Becca stared at the phone. “I’m scared, Sadie.”
“Everyone’s scared when they fall in love. You are, aren’t you?”
Becca took a breath and typed out a short reply. Yes, I would like that. I miss you. Can we talk about us sometime tomorrow? About our future?
Aye, I miss you too. Dale XX
* * *
The next morning when Dale arrived with the shopping, she hesitantly opened the kitchen door. Her insecurity almost broke Becca’s heart.
Becca turned to Jake and said, “Go and get some of the bags from Dale’s truck.”
“Okay, Mummy.”
When Jake ran out of the door, Dale remained standing there, as if still unsure of herself. “Hi, how are you and the wee yin?”
Becca walked towards her and took her hand. “We’re fine.”
She was drawn to Dale so strongly and she just had to touch her. Becca cupped Dale’s cheek and said, “I missed you so much.”
Dale immediately turned Becca against the kitchen counter, and as she went in to kiss her, she whispered, “I missed you so much it hurt.” She placed her hand on Becca’s stomach. “I missed all of you.”
A gaggle of excited voices approached the back door. “Everyone’s here,” Becca said. “But we need to talk later.”
They broke apart just as everyone came through. Mia and Jake were chattering away already, after only first meeting, and Val and Sammy gave them a knowing smile.
Val squeezed Sammy’s arm. “Sorry to interrupt, you two.”
Becca went over to greet her new friends with a smile and a kiss. “Come in. It’s great to see you all.”
The vicarage had never known as much noise in a long, long time. There was banging, sawing, and the roar of power tools. In the living room, Jake and Mia were playing on Dale’s Xbox, and the music and noise from it were very loud.
Becca didn’t mind one bit. Her life had been quiet for so long, and it was nice to liven it up. She sat with Val watching over the kids.
“Jake, get the key quickly…and run!”
“We did it! We did it!” They high fived each other.
Becca was delighted to see Jake having so much fun with another child.
“It’s wonderful they are getting on so well,” Becca said to Val. “He normally struggles socially with other children.”
Val smiled. “Mia was so excited to meet Jake. Dale had told her so many good things about him.”
Becca gazed over at Val’s beautiful little girl, leading the play and showing Jake something they both found fascinating on the iPad.
“Mia is a lovely girl. I know Dale loves her to pieces.”
“Thank you. Yes, Dale has a really special relationship with Mia. She’s just great with kids.”
Jake and Mia came over to them then, and Jake looked really excited. “Mummy, can we go upstairs? I want to show Mia the game I’ve been coding.”
“Okay, but remember, no hacking into NASA.”
Jake nodded and they ran off excitedly, but Val looked at her strangely at her last comment.
“A running joke.”
“It must be really challenging bringing up a gifted child,” Val said.
“It has been, but it’s been so much easier since Dale came into our lives. She’s not the love ’em and leave ’em type no matter what people think about her. She’s sensitive, loving, and just wants a family to love her, like her mother couldn’t.”
“Exactly.” Val covered Becca’s hand with hers. “There’s a part of you that’s still scared, isn’t there?”
Becca shook her head. “There was, but when I saw her walk in the door today, I knew I couldn’t live without her.”
Val engulfed her in a hug. “Wonderful. You don’t know how happy it’ll make Sammy and me to see Dale with someone to love her. It’s all she’s ever wanted.”
“It’s all I’ve ever wanted too, but I never thought I’d be brave enough to look for it.”
They heard feet thundering down the stairs, and then the loud voices and laughter of Dale and Sammy.
“Sounds like the little kids and the big kids are getting restless,” Val said.
Becca stood up. “We better get some sandwiches made for lunch. Dale set all the kitchen things up in the living room.”
* * *
Becca stood back and allowed Dale to put Jake to bed.
“Will I see you tomorrow, Dale? Will you come back?”
Becca glanced at Dale and smiled. “You’ll see Dale at breakfast. She’s going to be staying the night here.”
“Really?” Jake bounced out of bed and into a surprised Dale’s arms.
“Yes, really,” Becca said. “Dale is part of our family, Jake, and I hope she always will be.”
Dale hugged Jake, but looked straight into Becca’s eyes and mouthed, “Thank you.” Then she said to Jake, “I told you I’d always be here for you and your baby sister, wee man. I’d really like to be part of your family.”
Once they eventually got Jake settled and left his room, Dale pulled Becca to her and said, “Thank you, babe.”
“I wanted to show you I wasn’t frightened any more, and Jake knowing is the first step to that.”
Dale started to kiss her neck and manoeuvre her to the bedroom.
Becca tried to cool her libido for at least a little while. “We promised we’d talk everything out first, darling.”
Dale smiled. “Darling Dale?” She imitated Becca’s accent. “I like it, but you are so posh, you know that?”
Becca was backed against her own bedroom door. “Are you making fun of my accent?”
Dale gave her a cheeky smile, and whispered in her ear, “Aye, I am. Can I be your bit of rough?”
Becca giggled. “Yes, but we have to talk first. The other night you said you felt like you were being used.”
“I don’t care. Use me. Use my body for your pleasure. I just want you.”
Becca chuckled and opened her bedroom door. As soon as they were inside, Dale’s hot hands were everywhere. They undressed each other quickly, so they could be skin to skin. Becca clung to Dale’s neck as their kisses became feverish.
“Becca, I want to make you come so hard, and I want to watch you.”
Dale jumped onto the bed and crooked her finger. “Come and sit here, babe.” Becca climbed onto the bed, and with Dale’s help moved astride her lover’s hips. “Are you comfortable, babe?”
Looking down and seeing the hunger in Dale’s eyes was more than comforting, it was red hot. “Yes, this is just perfect.”
“It’s perfect for me.” Dale ran her hands from Becca’s neck down to her breasts, where she stopped to gently squeeze them.
Becca’s hips began to rock in response to the stimulation. “No one’s ever touched me like you do.”
Dale’s hands moved down to caress her belly. “That’s because no one’s ever loved you like me.”
Becca couldn’t wait any longer. She took one of Dale’s hands and pushed it to her sex. “Please, darling.” Dale’s fingers slipped straight inside her, and Becca groaned. “Oh yes.”
She set her own pace, lifting and impaling herself on Dale’s fingers. This position enabled Dale to touch her everywhere, and she did, encouraging Becca to enjoy every wave of pleasure her body could give.
; “That’s it, babe. Feel it, and come for me. I want to watch you come as I fuck you.”
Dale raised her knees, giving Becca something to lean back on comfortably as her hips sped up.
Becca could feel the need inside her race towards its release, and all she could think of was how much she loved Dale.
“Dale, Dale, I need you,” Becca breathed as her orgasm rushed over her.
When her body gave up on her, she was gathered in Dale’s loving arms, and kissed and held until she fell asleep, blissful, and content.
* * *
They woke in each other’s arms.
Becca kissed Dale’s chin lovingly. “Dale, I want to tell you why I was still scared. Even though I knew you cared, I was scared you loved me because of the children, and I wondered how I could ever know whether you loved me just for me.”
Dale leaned up on an elbow and looked down to Becca. “You think I wouldn’t love you on your own? Are you kidding? If I had seen a posh girl like you in a bar, or if you’d brought your car into one of the garages, I’d have been relentless in trying to chat you up, hen. You’re beautiful, sophisticated, kind. I wouldn’t have let you leave without getting your phone number, and I always get the girl’s phone number.”
Becca chuckled. “Oh, you would, would you?”
“Definitely. I got you into bed didn’t I?” Dale winked. “And you couldn’t stand the sight of me when I turned up.”
Becca ran her hand down Dale’s back, and squeezed her muscled backside. “Oh, I wouldn’t say I couldn’t stand the sight of you. You were pretty good eye candy.”
“Oh yeah?”
Becca had never really been a giggly teenager when it came to women, even when she was a teenager, but she felt like it now.
“Yes, especially in those overalls and tight T-shirt, but I don’t know if I can compare to the other woman in your life.”
Dale looked confused. “What other woman?”
“Britney Spears,” Becca said.